The Greek TV series “Elektra” aired on ERT starting on December 11, 2023 and is set in the 1970s. “Elektra,” follows the tumultuous life of Electra, who is trapped in a loveless marriage with Sotiris, a man twenty years her senior. Her past catches up with her when Alexis, Sotiris’s half-brother and the father of her first child, returns to the island. Electra finds solace in Pavlos, a new teacher on the island, and they embark on a forbidden love affair. As their passion grows, so does the danger of their secret being exposed. The series explores themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of hidden truths, leading to a dramatic and tragic conclusion where Electra’s desperate actions lead to her and Pavlos’s deaths, and the shattering of her family. Decades later, the repercussions of Electra’s choices continue to haunt the next generation, as her daughter Nefeli uncovers painful truths and seeks to break free from her family’s cursed fate.
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Rights Holder:
ERT - Kapa Studios