The Wreck is a captivating Greek drama series set in the 1960s. Elena and Apostolos is a couple passionate about winemaking and perfumes, whose lives are shattered by a tragic shipwreck. As Apostolos sacrifices himself to save Elena, she is rescued by the sinister Hippocrates, leading to a life of hardship. The series explores themes of love, loss, and resilience over generations, with Elena’s daughter, Maria, uncovering family secrets and reviving their lost perfume. Spanning decades, The Wreck intertwines historical events with personal dramas, creating a powerful narrative of survival and redemption and is the success of the season in Greece. The series is the success of the season in Greece and is already sold to multiple countries.

On Air
Total Episodes:
Mega TV (Greece)
Rights Holder:
Mega TV / JK Productions

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The Shipwreck - Episode 1 (eng subs) - ask for password

The Witch

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The Wreck is a captivating Greek drama series set in the 1960s. Elena and Apostolos is a couple passionate about winemaking and perfumes, whose lives are shattered by a tragic shipwreck. As Apostolos sacrifices himself to save Elena, she is


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